Using adobe lifecycle dataconnection

Hi aspose,

We are using adobe lifecycle designer to create PDF’s. We want to upload them to our website and have our website merge the PDF with data from the database.

Is it possible to use the DataConnection which has been defined in Adobe lifecycle designer or will we have to fill in the fields manually (using our own Java code)?

Yours sincerly,
Martyn Hiemstra

Hello Martyn,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Aspose.Pdf.Kit offers the capability to bind the Pdf form fields to any data source. But I am sorry to inform you that this feature is only supported in .Net version. I have contacted the development team to check if we can support this feature.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Dear Martyn,

Can you describe your requirement in detail? Is it one of the Object Binding style? How do you plan to use it? Hope for your reply.

Best regards.

Hi Aspose,

In adobe lifecycle designer you can specify a data connection. You can then attach data from the data connection to certain fields using the binding option. You can also use this data connection in the FormCalc language. For example:

var sColHiddenValue = “$record.DataConnection.ITEMDESC”;

I was wandering, is it possible to support this data connection feature?

Martyn Hiemstra

Hello Martyn,

Sorry for replying you late.

We are working over this issue and will reply to you soon. Thanks for your patience.

Hi Martyn,

We discussed this issue and found we can't support this feature in short time. We will try to support it later.