Using Aspose.Pdf.dll as COM

Is it possible to check if the image exist remote when assigning path to Imageinfo.File.
Currently, I have problem that some images are not exist. Having tried to handle exception, I realize that it throw that when I try to save that objPdfDoc.save_3(objStream). So, I’m not able to track which image not to exist.
I have noticed that it can be handled by DefaultFile property however it’s not fit to what I need. Note: I have to do this in ASP.
Is there some ways to do this?

  1. You can use FixHeight and FixWidth to scale the image.

  2. Using Aspose.Pdf you can use default image or ignore the non-existing image. I think you should look for other solution if you want to know if the file exist. I guess it should be possible in ASP although I don’t know the solution.

The table background color bug has been fixed in 3.2.1.