Using smart markers to load data from POJOs or java HashMaps into Aspose Cells

Hi Shashi,

Do you mean it works fine with the old version? Which old version do you use? We do not change any codes with Smarter marker.So could you post your template file?

Hi Warren,

This is not working with the older version also. I have posted the template for your reference.

Also in my above post, it was MyEmployeeRecord.getEmployeeName()


Hi Shashi,

Please attach the file again.



Hi Shashi,

I tested your file with the following codes. It works fine.

WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner();"F:\\FileTemp\\EmployeeExcelTemplate.xls");
com.zxl.test.Person person = new com.zxl.test.Person();

The test bean:

public class Person
public String getEmployeeName()
return "me";
public String getEmployeeNo()
return "1";

Which version do you use? And please check whether you are using this template file.

Hi Warren,

Sorry for the post above. I digged up some old code from the post and its working fine. I wanted to fill my excel sheet with a list of person names from the Person Objects available as a list. Since I added bean in the option, it was calling the method directly instead of iterating through the AsposeDataTable.
