Validate just one cell


How can I validate just one cell from the grid?

What I mean is that I need something similar to the ValidateAll() method, but that would just validate one cell of the grid.

For example a method called: ValidateCell(cell)




Well, by defatult, when you apply data validation, GridWeb checks every cell in a worksheet (where you apply validation) if it abides by the validation rules. We will check if we can consider this feature.

Thank you.


I thought Aspose.Grid did not support Data Validation...

(See forum thread: <A href="</A> )</P> <P>Did I misunderstood?</P> <P>By the way, is it possible to edit the commonbehav.js file, and add this new function? </P> <P>Can I do that, and do you think this could solve the problem?</P> <P>Thank you.</P> <P>EEbrero</P>


Well, Aspose.Grid.Web does not support to import / export data validation attributes, although it does support to create data validations remaining using GridWeb control matrix, check the demo:

For your second query, we will get back to you soon.

Thank you.