I created
a worksheet in Aspose.Cells with a formula containing a SumIf() Function and the
function calculates correctly! However,
if I display this same spreadsheet in Cells.GridWeb, the formula is incorrectly
valued at $0.00. Why doesn’t the SumIf()
function display correctly in the GridWeb??
Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells Family Products.
We found, you are using quite the older versions of Aspose.Cells for .NET and Aspose.Cells for GridWeb.
Please download and try the latest versions and they should resolve your problem.
- Aspose.Cells
for .NET v7.2.0.7
- Aspose.Cells
for GridWeb v2.7.5.2002
If your problem still occurs, then please provide us your source code and the source (xls/xlsx) files replicating this issue.
We will soon look into it and help you asap.
The links in your message for the new versions do not work.
Thanks for your posting.
Please try the above links again. They will work fine. Let me know if you face any problem.
I compiled with the new DLLs and this is my message:
The subscription included in this license allows free upgrades until 09 Jun
2011, but this version of the product was released on 28 Apr 2012. Please renew
the subscription or use a previous version of the product
It seems that your license has expired and you need to renew your subscription. Upgrading to latest version not only saves you time, as the latest versions have already many bugs/issues fixed, but also provide you with additional features that are added from time to time.
You can always test your code with the latest version by not setting the licence in your code. This will insert evaluation version notifications in your workbook though.
Thanks for using Aspose.Cells
I need to verify that the latest version of the Grid control fixes my issue. However, the only worksheet that I can select is the Evaluation sheet. See attached.
Please provide us with your sample Excel file that you have created using Aspose.Cells. Also, please provide us your .Net application so that we can have a look into it and assist you further. Any help from your side, by providing a Snapshot of the expected as well as actual results, will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks & Best Regards
Attached is the worksheet created by Aspose.Cells. Here is the code to viewing page.
<acw:GridWeb id="billGrid" PresetStyle="Standard" runat="server" onsavecommand="BillGridSaveCommand"
ShowCommandBarAtTop="true" ShowLoading="false" ShowUndoButton="false" ShowSubmitButton="false"
ShowSaveButton="true" ShowTabBar="false" width="100%" >
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
billGrid.ACWLanguageFileUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AsposeLanguageURL"];
private void BindWorksheet(Stream memoryStream)
if(memoryStream != null)
worksheetDiv.Visible = true;
instructionalText.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InstructionalText"];
worksheetDiv.Visible = false;
instructionalText.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NoDataText"];
string bcn;
DateTime? billDate;
ParseAndValidateParameters(out bcn, out billDate);
new Colonial.ExceptionManagement.ExceptionLoggerBase().LogException(new Exception("DB2 data not found to render requested worksheet in ViewBill.aspx for BCN: " + bcn +" Date: " + billDate));
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
billGrid.ACWLanguageFileUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AsposeLanguageURL"];
private void BindWorksheet(Stream memoryStream)
if(memoryStream != null)
worksheetDiv.Visible = true;
instructionalText.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InstructionalText"];
worksheetDiv.Visible = false;
instructionalText.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NoDataText"];
string bcn;
DateTime? billDate;
ParseAndValidateParameters(out bcn, out billDate);
new ExceptionManagement.ExceptionLoggerBase().LogException(new Exception("DB2 data not found to render requested worksheet in ViewBill.aspx for BCN: " + bcn +" Date: " + billDate));
I loaded your provided excel file in my project and you can see in the attached screenshot that the values in the cells, having SUMIF() function, are displayed properly. I have also attached the sample project with this message.
Thank you for using Aspose.Cells
mwielard:I need to verify that the latest version of the Grid control fixes my issue. However, the only worksheet that I can select is the Evaluation sheet. See attached.
Please download and use the latest version:
for GridWeb v2.7.5.2002
it is working fine.
I will also recommend you to see the following resources. It will help you in upgrading your code to latest version.
- Documentation - Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
- Offline C# Demos - Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
Thanks for adding my Aspose.Cells spreadsheet to the Grid.
However, the problem I am experiencing with the old licensed version was with
the grand total and text at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Attached is a screen shot showing both issues.
1) GrandTotal SumIf() function is showing $0.00 when it
works correctly in Excel.
2) The text next to the Grand Total is not spilling over
into columns D, E, & F like it does in Excel.
If my current licensed version has a bug that has been fixed
in a latter version, I would like to test the fix without the evaluation
messages from both the spreadsheet generated by Aspose.Cells and the Grid view.
Thank you for providing the screenshot in support of your raised issue. I can observe this with the latest version of Gridweb V as well. I am forwarding this issue to over development team, along with the support material you provided, so that they can look into it. We will update you here once we get a solution to this. This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-40683.
We appreciate your feedback and cooperation in this regard
We have fixed this issue.
Please download and use the latest fix: Aspose.Cells for GridWeb v2.7.6.2001
Where do I get version It is not part of the last build posted on 5/17. Will my license file work with this fixed version?
The mentioned version is as attached in the previous message by Shakeel. Please download and try it. It is actually a fix provided by the development team and will be part of the major upcoming release next month.
If its been less than an year since you bought your subscription, you need not worry about the license file.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40683) have been fixed in this update.
This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.