VB to aspose word

Hello Alex,
I am back to ASPOSE word document development. I have a situation while building a word report using static template, when certain conditions are met, I have to change label in the template, but keep the same label when other conditions are met. My question is what command will clear the label.
I execute the command
Builder.MoveToCell (0, 1, 2, 0)
This command takes me to the beginning of the cell and I am able to write to the cell with new data but the old label is still in the cell. How do I get rid of the label?
Appreciate your help!
Madhu Moza

This message was posted using Email2Forum by alexey.noskov.


Thanks for your request. You can find code that shows how to remove old content from a table cell in the following thread:
In addition, maybe it is better to use mail merge to fill your document with data.https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/types-of-mail-merge-operations/
Best regards.