Web Grid - inconsistent behavior on different machines + other bugs

I am having some seriously inconsistent behavior of the web when running my application from different machines.

On my machine:
Using IE7, things seem generally ok.
Using Firefox, column widths don't seem to be recognized; I have several hidden (width=0) columns in my grid, but they are all visible within firefox.

On my client's machine (from their office), using IE7:
- They are having that problem I mentioned earlier where the column headers do not remain in synch with the columns.
- They can not edit cells even though IsReadOnly=False!!! (works fine on my machine)
- When they highlight a range of cells and copy and paste into excel, the hidden cell contents comes over as well (on my machine, they don't)

Other bugs or undesired behavior:
When navigating cells with the keyboard, hidden cells receive focus; when you key to the right, you expect the next visible cell to get the focus, but it doesn't.

Generally speaking I have been liking this grid, but this inconsistent behavior is just way too dangerous. Can you give me an idea if you have at least acknowledged these issues and plan to fix them? It seems you haven't released an update since May 13, 2008, so it doesn't seem very encouraging.

<agw:GridWeb ID="gridEmployeeWorksheet" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="500px" XhtmlMode="true"
EditMode="true" EnableAJAX="false" EnableClientColumnOperations="true"
EnableClientFreeze="true" EnableClientResizeColumnRow="true" EnableSession="true" EnableViewState="true"
HeaderBarStyle-HorizontalAlign ="Left" HeaderBarStyle-Wrap ="true" NoScroll="false" SessionMode="Session" ShowBottomBar ="true" ShowSaveButton ="true" ShowSubmitButton="true">

Dim gridColumn As New Aspose.Grid.Web.BindColumn
With gridColumn
Dim width As WebControls.Unit = New WebControls.Unit(0)
If meta.IsVisibleInGridView AndAlso meta.GridViewWidth.HasValue Then
width = New WebControls.Unit(meta.GridViewWidth.Value)
End If
.Width = width
.Caption = meta.DisplayName
.DataField = meta.XsysTableColumn.ColumnName
.EnableSort = True
.IsReadOnly = Not meta.IsEditable
worksheet.SetColumnHeaderToolTip(0, meta.XsysTableColumn.Description)
'grid.ForceValidation = True
'.Validation = New Aspose.Grid.Web.Validation
'.Validation.IsRequired = True
'.Validation.ValidationType = ValidationType.DropDownList
'.Validation.LoadValueList(dataSet31.Categories.DefaultView, "CategoryID", "CategoryName", True)
'.WebWorksheets(0).BindColumns("CategoryID").Validation.ValueList.Add("1, Hello") DROPDOWN LIST
'newColumn.NumberType =
'newColumn.Style =
'newColumn.Validation =
'newColumn.CustomFormat =
End With


Thank you for considering Aspose.

As per your mentioned issues, let me answer them one by one.

Issue Regarding Firefox:-

Yes, we are able to find the issue in our initial test, but currently there are certain limitations of Aspose.GridWeb when working with some other browser than IE (like firefox). We are working on the enhancement of Aspose.GridWeb for other browsers too and hopefully these limitations will be removed soon.

Issues Regarding IE7 on Client’s Machine:-

Well, we have found the issues regarding “Copying the range from Aspose.GridWeb to Excel” and “Focus goes to the hidden columns when using keyboard tabs” and we will fix them and get back to you soon. But for the issue regarding “Read-Only = false and still not able to edit” and “Column headers does not remain in sync with columns”, we are unable to get these problems. Please check for the version of Aspose.GridWeb on that machine and if the version is not the issue, please provide us with your test application with the Aspose.GridWeb version on that particular machine and we will check it soon.

Issue Regarding Aspose.GridWeb Releases:-

Well, we are working on some new features and some enhancements required in Aspose.GridWeb as per the feedback from the users and we will release a new and enhanced version of Aspose.GridWeb soon. So, you don’t need to worry about the enhancement and new releases of Aspose.GridWeb.

Thank you for your time and help,

Issues Regarding IE7 on Client’s Machine:-

Well, we have found the issues regarding “Copying the range from Aspose.GridWeb to Excel” and “Focus goes to the hidden columns when using keyboard tabs” and we will fix them and get back to you soon. But for the issue regarding “Read-Only = false and still not able to edit” and “Column headers does not remain in sync with columns”, we are unable to get these problems. Please check for the version of Aspose.GridWeb on that machine and if the version is not the issue, please provide us with your test application with the Aspose.GridWeb version on that particular machine and we will check it soon.

The client machine is accessing the page via their web browser, so they don’t have a version of Aspose.Grid. They are using Internet Explorer. They have tried 2 different machines, one using Internet Explorer 6 and one using Internet Explorer 7, and they have the same problem. So…?

UPDATE: I tried the page from my workstation at another company (using IE7), and I can update EVERY column, even ones that ares supposed to be read only!

Could you post a response from Aspose management regarding IF and WHEN a new release of Aspose.Grid is going to be released?


I tried to contact you via your profile link, but the website gave an error when I tried that.

Would you be able to take a look at my post here and let me know if there is any possibility that this can be resolved? I need a working grid within days, so if you don't think anything can be fixed by then, please let me know as soon as possible:

<A href="https://forum.aspose.com/t/82206</A></P>

Hi Trevor,

Since both of your threads were relevant so, i joined them to centralize our communication at one place.

I have contaced Aspose.Grid team about your issue and we will update you soon on this.

Thanks for the patience.


We will fix these issues soon.

As you have known, the control has some limitations with none ie browsers, we are working to improve that.

Thank you.

Can you give me some idea of when "soon" is?

Have you identified what the problem is?

I have to do a demo to a client in one week; I was supposed to do one today but just discovered yesterday that what was working on my machine doesn't seem to work the same elsewhere.


Due to the complexity of the firefox problems, it will take us about 1 month to solve them.

As for the different behavior of your client machines, can you provide a sample project? Does your client using any Firewall or Proxy? Have you examined their IE's security settings to ensure they don't disable some client script operations?

Thank you.