WebGrid Question: Load- edit- filter- edit- filter- edit......then one save?

I have a requirement where the user must be able to load a grid with all of his employees (for example, 200 employees) and edit various data. During the edit process, they must be able to apply various filters (via the auto column filter, or wildcard text filter), but I don't want to save the data until all editing is complete.

Does your web grid support this natively via client side javascript, or will I have to store the underlying dataset in Session and update it on postback?



The grid stores edit result to dataset and save it to session upon each postback. You do not need to manage the dataset manually. What you have to do is saving the dataset to database with a DataAdapter in a proper event handler just like SaveCommand or SubmitCommand.

BTW, You may access the dataset object stored in the session by WebWorksheet.DataSource property.