What does PDF Image Compression Auto mean?

My boss is asking me what the PDF Image Compression of Auto means. I looked in the documentation and it says “Automatically selects the most appropriate compression for each image.” but he says that isn’t good enough and he wants to know what that means.


Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. We are in communication with the product team about your query. We will get back to you soon.

Hi there,

Thanks for your patience. We have received the response from our product team. Please check following detail.

When PdfImageCompression.Auto is selected, we save images that are originally Jpeg as is,i.e. the source bytes. This allows to create Pdf files with images very fast and with low memory usage. The non-Jpeg images are parsed to get raw pixel data, then it’s saved using Flate codec. This process can take a long time for large images and consume a lot of memory.

Thanks for the response.