What Units Does Aspose.Slides Use - Pixels/Points/Inches?


We would like to know what units Aspose.Slides uses for various operations such as , to place an image or to set the height/width of SlideSize or to place a etc paragraph etc.

Our Process: we copy our report page(from Active Report Document) and place it in the powerpoint as an image and on top of that we keep on adding “Logo” images and “Page Number” texts for each and every slide we create dynamically.

Whenever we do all these above operations, we have all the above object’s(image/text container) “UNITS” in “INCHES” and we know we need to “convert” it into another “UNIT” that “Aspose.Slides” could understand and relies upon.
So, after a lot of research, we found out that,
One Inch = 72 units for Aspose.Slides.

After this conversion, it is working as expected.

So our question is

  1. why this is not mentioned anywhere in your documentation, for ex, if you see the below functions.

public IPictureFrame AddPictureFrame(ShapeType shapeType, float x, float y, float width,
float height, IPPImage image)
public IAutoShape AddAutoShape(ShapeType shapeType, float x, float y, float width, float height)

They just say x, y, width , height in float but how could we know what do you mean by just “float”
should it be in inches/pixels/points or whatever?

  1. Can you please add more info and elaborate on this topic in detail here?

  2. Hope our conversion from inches to aspose.slides (1 inches = 72 points) is right and applicable for
    all aspose.slides api functions. Let us know if you think otherwise or any exceptions?


Thank you for contacting support. We apologize for the delay.

You are right, Aspose.Slides uses a coordinate system in points (1 inch = 72 points). Unfortunately, right now I can’t give an example where Aspose.Slides features work differently. Please let us know if you encounter other confusing cases. I’ve added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43327 to our issue tracking system. We will improve the description of our API. You will be notified when the issue is resolved.