What versions are supported for viewing the mpp files exported by aspose?

I want to confirm which versions of mpp files are supported by Aspose when exporting mpp files. Or which version of project does Aspose start to support better? ?
The reason is that when using the 23.8 version of the assembly to export the mpp file, a phenomenon has been found. The completed task has a problem in the project2013 version (as shown in Figure 1), but there is no such problem in the project2010, project2016, and project2021 versions. (as picture 2).
img_v2_8b8775cd-6a15-4107-a033-f751494eaa7g.jpg (109.9 KB)

img_v2_53f6eec8-60aa-4987-b78e-9c4057d178eg.jpg (127.7 KB)

Aspose.Tasks for .NET supports reading and writing of MPP files from MS Project 2003 till the most recent MPP format.

Bugs and features related to old formats (produced by MS Project 2003 or 2007) have lower priority because these formats are less common in our days. Thus these formats can be considered as “less supported”.

The phenomenon you’ve described is highly likely a bug. If you provide a code and a template file which we can use to reproduce the issue we can fix the issue in a future release.

I also mentioned this problem in the previous post. The code is the same set. If you block out the place where the task resource is bound, this problem will appear.
The code can be seen here: The resource unit cannot be automatically 100% when adding resources to the exported mpp file - #4 by vasiliy.sinitsyn

ok, will check it.

Is there any progress?

yes, we found an issue related to MPP writing which needs to be fixed on our side.

OK ,can you tell me in which version it will be fixed?

according to our Free Support Policies,

No estimations on when a fix can or will be delivered will be given at any point. If an estimated date is supplied, then this cannot be guaranteed and should not be relied upon for internal planning.

could you check the issue using Aspose.Tasks for .NET v. 23.9 ?

I’ve been too busy at work lately, so I just started testing this content today. I tested it on version 23.10 and found that this problem has not been improved. However, I unexpectedly discovered another problem. In the method overload of project.save, the input parameters involving MppSaveOptions seem to have been set to be eliminated. I would like to confirm again what needs to be done if I want to add specified columns when exporting.

Overload Save(sting, MppSaveOptions) was marked as obsolete/deprecated.

MppSaveOptions is now an inheritor of SimpleSaveOptions, so you can
use the overload Save(string, SimpleSaveOptions):

As a temporary workaround, if you want to hide deprecation warning, you could cast MppSaveOptions to SimpleSaveOptions to invoke Save(string, SimpleSaveOptions) overload:

According to our deprecation policy we will remove Save(sting, MppSaveOptions) overload in version 24.5.


could you share your template file for project2013, because we can’t reproduce the issue with our MS Project 2013 template files.

Hello, I recently discovered a new development. I will send you the exported file first. The problem may be that in the exported plan, the task completion percentage was originally 100% and became 99% after exporting.

@Jiangqiming ,

the summary tasks have a resources assigned to it and these resource assignments are not completed (WorkComplete is not 100%):


Looks like this fact confuses MS Project, it recalculates summary tasks and shows them as non completed (99%).