Which ISO PDF/A standards are supported by Aspose PDF


I just want to know which ISO PDF/A standards e.g. PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 etc are supported by the Aspose PDF.

We are using Aspose PDF for word to PDF conversion and we want to use the PDF/A features also at the conversion time. Can anyone explain about more and provide a link about this information?

Hi Wahaj,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please note Aspose.Pdf for Java support following PDF/A standards. However, PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-3b standards were malfunctioning and will be fixed in upcoming release of Aspose.Pdf for Java 9.7.0. Please also check documentation link for code snippet/details.

  • PDF/A-1a
  • PDF/A-1b
  • PDF/A-2b
  • PDF/A-3b

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,

Wahaj Khan:
We are using Aspose PDF for word to PDF conversion and we want to use the PDF/A features also at the conversion time.
Hi Wahaj,

In order to convert Word files to PDF format, you must be using Aspose.Words and it supports the feature to generate resultant files in PDF/A compliant format. My fellow workers from respective team will share further details.
Hi Wahaj,
[quote user="Wahaj Khan"]
We are using Aspose PDF for word to PDF conversion and we want to use the PDF/A features also at the conversion time.
Thanks for your inquiry. Sure, you can specify the PDF standards compliance level to PDF/A-1b during rendering your Word document to PDF format. Here is the simple code snippet to achieve this:

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "in.docx");

PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();

//The output file will comply with the PDF/A-1b standard.

//PDF/A-1b has the objective of ensuring reliable reproduction of the visual appearance of the document.

options.Compliance = PdfCompliance.PdfA1b;

doc.Save(MyDir + “Out.pdf”,

Please read PdfCompliance Enumeration from here: