I use the follow code to delete header/footer,but fail.
Dim Pdf As New Aspose.Pdf.Document(PdfFile)
DimTA As New TextFragmentAbsorber()
Dim Pages As integer=Pdf.pages.count
Dim Rect As Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle
For p as integer=1 to Pages
Rect= New Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0, 0, Pdf.Pages(p).PageInfo.Width, Pdf.Pages(p).PageInfo.Height * 0.15)
TA.TextSearchOptions = New TextSearchOptions(Rect)
For Each TF As TextFragment In Ta.TextFragments
If Not (TF.Text.Trim = "" Or IsNumeric(TF.Text.Trim)) Then
Dim Text As String = TF.Text.Trim
If (Text.StartsWith("-") Or Text.StartsWith("—")) Then Text = Mid(Text, 2)
If (Text.EndsWith("-") Or Text.EndsWith("—")) Then Text= Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1)
If Not IsNumeric(Text) Then TfText = "" 'Here is to delete the footers and except for the page number
End If
Rect =New Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(0,Pdf.Pages(p).PageInfo.Height * 0.85, Pdf.Pages(p).PageInfo.Width, Pdf.Pages(p).PageInfo.Height * 0.15)
TA.TextSearchOptions = New TextSearchOptions(Rect)
For Each TF As TextFragment In Ta.TextFragments
If Not (TF.Text.Trim = "" Or IsNumeric(TF.Text.Trim)) Then
Dim Text As String = TF.Text.Trim
If (Text.StartsWith("-") Or Text.StartsWith("—")) Then Text = Mid(Text, 2)
If (Text.EndsWith("-") Or Text.EndsWith("—")) Then Text= Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1)
If Not IsNumeric(Text) Then TfText = "" 'Here is to delete the headers and except for the page number
End If
This method can only delete footers at Left-Bottom,Mid-Bottom, whereas the footer at Right-Bottom and all headers fail to be deleted.
How delete header/footer sucessfully?
Thanks for your help!
Input.pdf (63.9 KB)
OutInput.pdf (62.8 KB)
You are trying to remove the header/footer on the basis of found text fragments. It may not work with all PDF documents. Please try to use another approach i.e. remove header/footer by adjust crop box and media box because they usually are present in them.
Dim PdfFile As String = "your_input.pdf" ' Replace with your PDF file path
Dim pdfDocument As New Aspose.Pdf.Document(PdfFile)
For Each page As Page In pdfDocument.Pages
Dim mediaBox As Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle = page.PageInfo.MediaBox
Dim cropBox As Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle = page.PageInfo.CropBox.Clone()
cropBox.LLY = 0 ' Adjust the bottom of the CropBox to remove the footer
cropBox.URX = page.PageInfo.Width ' Adjust the right side of the CropBox
page.PageInfo.CropBox = cropBox
page.PageInfo.MediaBox = mediaBox ' Reset the MediaBox to the original size
Yes, It is a good idea for this .
However, there is still a problem that the cropped pagesize can not be resset to its orignal size by using Pdf.Pages(1).MediaBox = mediaBox or Pdf.Pages(1).SetPageSize(mediaBox.Width, mediaBox.Height), Please investigate and fix it.
And if this problem could not be fixed, an anternative method is to draw a white rectangle to overlay the header or footer area for this purpose. How to draw this white rectangle?
I use the following code to draw two rectangle to overlay the header and footer,but it throws an exception saying “illegal character in file path”,what’s wrong? there is actually no illegal character in path. (VB.net ,Pdf.dll v23.5)
Dim Pdf As New Aspose.Pdf.Document("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Input.pdf")
Dim canvas = New Drawing.Graph(Pdf.Pages(1).PageInfo.Width, 80)
Dim rect As Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Rectangle = New Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Pdf.Pages(1).PageInfo.Width, 80)
Dim c = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")
rect.GraphInfo.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.White
rect = New Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Rectangle(0, Pdf.Pages(1).PageInfo.Height - 80, Pdf.Pages(1).PageInfo.Width, Pdf.Pages(1).PageInfo.Height)
rect.GraphInfo.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.White
Pdf.Save("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Out.pdf") 'this code throws an exception saying "illegal path"
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