Why I can't get the picture object from a excel file

I hava download the Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.1!

I want operate the picture into excel file with Aspose.Cells API, but I can't get the picture object from pictures container.followed is may code.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.open(new FileInputStream("F:/Aspose.cell/fileOutput.xls"));// three pictures in it
Pictures ps = workbook.getSheet(0).getPictures();


Result : console print out ps.size is 0 why ?


Thanks for the details,

We found the issue and fix it soon.

Thank you.


This feature is not available currently, but we will support it soon when we complete some essential features for Excel2007

Thanks for you reply!

My company hava purchased aspose.slides,It 's very well.

So, we are interested in aspose.Cells,looking towards your final release.