Why is Aspose Words for Reporting Services better than just native RS 2008 for Word docs?

We’re looking to generate new Word documents out of Reporting Services. We currently have some Word documents we are just creating using Word and some reports we are creating using Reporting Services. We’re getting ready to combine these all into Reporting Services 2008 which creates Word docs natively. We were also looking at Aspose. Why do we need Aspose?(I guess this is a classic sales question…I’m just looking for the best solution for our group.

Maybe a more basic question is, “If Reporting Services 2008 creates Word documents natively, why do I need Aspose.Words?”

Thank you for this very interesting question. We anticipated inquiries like yours and therefore prepared a page that exactly explains why you would need Aspose.Words for Reporting Services while SSRS2008 provides built-in support for the DOC export format. Here are the answers:
To summarize, AWRS offers the following advantages:

  • Support for SSRS2000, 2005, 2008
  • Numerous export formats like DOC, DOCX, RTF, WordML, TXT. and others (vs. just single DOC)
  • Support for the whole family of Reporting Services products, including the Report Viewer control
  • Support for two layout types
  • Optimized layout algorithma (vs. tons of nested positioning tables)
  • Configurable export
  • Responsive tech support :slight_smile:

Please feel free to post more questions if you have any.