Why some "TextFragment data" are different, when parsed by ParagraphAbsorber vs. by TableAbsorber?

I tried to translate pdf document.
Strings need to be combined into sentences for translation.
I have used ParagraphAbsorber for that.

Then I want to use TableAbsorber to support tables.


Parts recognized in TableAbsorber-base-tranalation are excluded in ParagraphAbsorber-base-translation.
I am trying to detect these exclusion using the common object “TextSegment” parsed by the two absorbers,
TextSegment processed by TableAbsorber-base-translation is not processed by ParagraphAbsorber-base-translation.


The unit/size of TextSegment are somtimes different between TableAbsorber and ParagraphAbsorber.

What options should be used to get the same unit/size of TextSegment in these two absorbers?

SAMPLE DATA and confirmation project(SegmentUnit.zip)

  1. make TextSegment list by ParagraphAbsorber with registering in <Dictinary>
    —> OUTPUT: sample_r_out_Paragraph.txt
  2. make TextSegment list by TableAbsorber with checking abobe <Dictionary>
    —> OUTPUT: sample_r_out_Table.txt
    —> Find “*** none ***” in sample_r_out_Table.txt, this TextSegment does not mark by ParagraphAbsorber-base-listing.

A data in TableAbsorber
[sample_r_out_Table.txt] (378.86,271.40) [26] *** none *** "Total Net Assets "
is analyzed in ParagraphAbsorber
[sample_r_out_Paragraph.txt] (378.86,180.00) [85] 1 "Total Assets Total Net Assets Net Assets Ratio Net Assets per Share "

SegmentUnit.zip: sample.pdf, OUTPUT Files(sample_r_out_Paragraph.txt, sample_r_out_Table.txt) sample project

Version: Aspose.PDF 19.6.0

SegmentUnit.zip (67.4 KB)


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