Wide screen powerpoint

Hi Mudassir,

I dont know what happend to the other thread, its there and i made it private and i cannot change it back to public.

Anyway i am posting the file please have a look at the attachment.


i might have a problem with powerpoints, which are squarer and others wider.

1. The question is can i use the same Masters for both type of presentation or do i need two different type of Masters?

2. can i somewhow set/change the color of the heading text. Lets say if i have powerpoint slide which has black heading text and i want to change this black color according to the Masters in pot file, can i do that ?

Can anyone help me.


HI Tajamal,

I regret to inform you that I am awaiting response of our development team for your specified issue. As soon as some information is arrived, I will be happy to share that with you.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi Mudassir,

Could you elaborate any updates from development team?

Kind regards

Hi Tajamal,

Please visit this thread link to see how to apply new templates to slide and using the new master for slides. I will really appreciate if you may please elaborate the following point shared by you.

"i might have a problem with powerpoints, which are squarer and others wider. "

Please also share the issue details so that I may try to help you out further if the above link is not helpful to you. Please also share sample code that you are using along with the presentation that highlight what you are looking in Aspose.Slides to offer you.

Many Thanks,

Hi ,

lets try again.

Is it possible to make presentations with wide format and aspect ratio of 16:9?

When i make masters in a pot file they are created with aspect ratio of 4:3.

i hope this explains.


Hi Tajamal,

Yes, you can set the presentation slide size type to aspect ration 4:3 and 16:9 in case of PPTX using PresentationEx.SlideSize.Type property. Please observe the SlideSizeTypeEx enumeration as it contain the various options for setting slide types.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Can you please give some code examples.


Hi Tajamal,

Please use the following code snippet for setting the aspect ration to 16:9. Please share if I may help you further in this regard.

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx();
pres.SlideSize.Type = SlideSizeTypeEx.OnScreen16x9;
pres.Write(“D:\Aspose Data\Temp.pptx”);

Many Thanks,

How would you generate pot files, my code which i have been using doesn’t include method CloneSlide in PresentationEx Class.

var license = new License();
var output = new Presentation();
var count = 0;
foreach (var slides in Directory.GetFiles(@“c:\temp”, “*.ppt”))
var pres = new Presentation(slides);

var intSlide = pres.Slides.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < intSlide; i++)
var _slide = pres.Slides[i];
if (_slide.SlideId >= 0x80000000)
var copy = pres.CloneSlide(_slide, count, output, new System.Collections.SortedList());
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1}: {0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(slides),copy.SlideId - 0x80000000));

Hi Tajamal,

Please share the source presentation for further investigation.

Many Thanks,

Please have a look on the presentation i have uploaded.

Hi Tajamal,

I have tailored your code to work in my environment using Aspose.Slides for .NET 6.0.0 and it worked fine on my end. For your kind reference, I have attached the generated presentation. Please use the specified product version on your end.

public static void GeneratePOT()
String path = @"C:\";
Presentation output = new Presentation();
int count = 0;
Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + "test_1.ppt");
int intSlide = pres.Slides.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < intSlide; i++)
Slide _slide = pres.Slides[i];
if (_slide.SlideId >= 0x80000000)
Slide copy = pres.CloneSlide(_slide, count, output, new System.Collections.SortedList());
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1}: {0}", "test_1.ppt", copy.SlideId - 0x80000000));

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

But that should be in wide format, why is it square?

I dont get it, do you?


Hi Tajamal,

I have observed the issue shared by you. This is not an issue. Actually, you are just cloning slide but you are not setting presentation slides size in out put presentation. The output presentation has default slide and the cloned slide gets the same size. This is not an issue as the slide size property is something that is set on presentation level and cloning is done on slide level. I hope you are getting my point. You need to add following statement just before saving presentation to have the same slide size.

output.SlideSize = pres.SlideSize;

Many Thanks,