Wingdings 2 becomes Cambria Math

After appending one document to another and setting:
The list items that used a custom bullet from the “Wingdings 2” font becomes custom bullets from the “Cambria Math” font!
Attached are the two original templates and the resulting template after appending.
Note: this is the appending code I’m using:

Public Shared Sub AppendDoc(ByVal dstDoc As Aspose.Words.Document, ByVal srcDoc As Aspose.Words.Document)
' Loop through all sections in the source document. 
' Section nodes are immediate children of the Document node so we can just enumerate the Document.
For Each srcSection As Aspose.Words.Section In srcDoc
' Because we are copying a section from one document to another, 
' it is required to import the Section node into the destination document.
' This adjusts any document-specific references to styles, lists, etc.
' Importing a node creates a copy of the original node, but the copy
' is ready to be inserted into the destination document.
Dim dstSection As Aspose.Words.Node = dstDoc.ImportNode(srcSection, True, Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting)
' Now the new section node can be appended to the destination document.
Next srcSection
End Sub

Thanks for your request. I can’t reproduce this issue on my side. I use the latest version of Aspose.Words for testing. You can download this version from here.
Best regards.