With latest version of Aspose.word- table generated appear with cross (X) marks

I am generating MS-Word document using aspose.word. With the previous version (using old license), the document was generating properly. However, with the latest version all the tables comes with cross lines in the cells. Attached is the image of a section of the document generated. Please advice.




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This issue was reported some time ago. Please see here.

The link that you have specified gives following error. Please advice.

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Sorry I missed that the post is marked as private. Okay, here’s the solution from there:

The crosses inside the table cells are diagonal borders. It seems like you set table borders somewhere in your code.

If you iterate over all borders in CellFormat.Borders, it will set all borders including diagonals. We added a new approach that sets all borders except diagonals without iterating. Remove the loop and use the following technique:

Dim borders As Borders = builder.CellFormat.Borders 
borders.LineStyle = LineStyle.Single
borders.LineWidth = 1
borders.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black

Does it help?

It works now with your solution.
