Word mergefield doubt

i am new to aspose i have a doubt
how can i display a set of values using a single merge field

Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. I think that you can use mail merge with regions. Please see the following links to learn more:
Hope this helps.
Best regards.

hi alex,
thank u for kind suggestion, but mine requirement is different
can i itterate the same executeregion method with different argument,
i tried that but it does not shown me all the possible result , instead it just shown me a single result in a single page

Thanks for your inquiry. I created small demo for you. See the following code and attached documents.

//Create DataTable that will be used as data source for mail merge
DataTable clientInfo = new DataTable("clientInfo");
//Add columns to dattaTable
//Insert some data into the datatable
clientInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Alexey", "Noskov", "Aspose", "Auckland" });
clientInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { "John", "Smith", "Microsoft", "Los Angeles" });
clientInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Jain", "Martin", "IBM", "London" });//etc...
//Open first template (without regions)
Document doc = new Document(@"Test312\in_withoutRegions.doc");
//Execute simple mail merge
//Data from each row will be placed on the separate page
//Sace result document
//Open enother template (with regions)
Document doc1 = new Document(@"Test312\in_withRegions.doc");
//Execute mail merge with regions
//Data from each row will be placed on the single page(without breaks)
//Save result document

Also please attach your template and create the result document manually to show me how the output should look. I will try to help you.
Best regards.