Word "memory" error...could not load font


I have gotten a random error when trying to load the results of the Aspose Word generation within a page. I have a page that is used simply to display a Word document. What happens is that sometimes after the page asks the user to open or save the Word document, I get an error about Word not having enough memory to load the font. I am viewing from the same machine used to generate the document. If I reboot the pc, the problem goes away. Has anyone else seen this behavior? I am including the logic of the page that displays the Word document.

byte[] content = (byte[]) ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][DocumentAssemblyUtils.COL_CONTENT];

Response.ContentType = “application/vnd.ms-word”;

Response.Charset = “”;

Aspose.Word.Word wd2 = new Word();

MemoryStream ms2 = new System.IO.MemoryStream();


Aspose.Word.Document doc = wd2.Open(ms2);

doc.Save(“Test.doc”, SaveFormat.FormatDocument, SaveType.OpenInBrowser, this.Response) ;

Please send the original document to word@aspose.com and we will check it out.