Words are overlapping or missing after exporting and converting Japanese web content to PDF file

Hello Support team,

When we use aspose PDF convert tool to export some Japanese in web, some words are missing and some are overlapping in PDF. See our attachment please.
Can you reproduce this? Do you know this support issue in Japanese?
Look forward to your reply.


Hi Jack,

Thanks for contacting support.

I have tried to convert HTML with Japanese into PDF and unable to observe the issue which you have reported. I have used following code snippet for conversion. I have also attached input/output file(s) for your reference.

HtmlLoadOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlLoadOptions();

htmlOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 0.0;
htmlOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 0;
htmlOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 0;
htmlOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
htmlOptions.PageInfo.Width = PageSize.A4.Height;
htmlOptions.PageInfo.Height = PageSize.A4.Width;

Document document = new Document(dataDir + "sampleJap.html", htmlOptions);
document.Save(dataDir + "Jap.pdf");

We will really appreciate if you please share a sample code snippet along with sample input file OR if you are downloading web content from some URL then please share that URL. It will really help us in testing the scenario in our environment and get back to you accordingly. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,

Hi Asad,
Thanks for reply.
We researched further and confirmed, when you input Japanese in rich text editor, choose font provided by editor, then export into PDF, you’ll see clearly some words are overlapping.
See our pictures please.

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your feedback and sharing your research. I tried to perform all the steps which you have shared but I am afraid I did not notice words overlapping issue. It may be possible that I was taking Japanese from different source (i.e some website).

As shared earlier that to test the scenario in our environment we need some sample input file or some URL to convert into PDF and we will really appreciate if you please share that. It would help us to understand the problem and address it properly. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,