Words.Document.Save - blank window with download

Hi, we're using Aspose.Words to create Word docs online that users can download. The function works great and the document opens correctly in Word:

Words.Document.Save(FileName, SaveFormat.FormatDocument, Aspose.Words.SaveType.OpenInWord, HttpContext.Current.Response)

The problem is that the page which calls this function has its html replaced with an empty page:

This seems to be sent to the Response object at the same time as the download file. Is there any way to change the html, or to have it redirect the browser to another page? (Because it doesn't look good in our interface if the page goes blank, or if it leaves a new blank window open)

Many thanks

- Daniel

Please attach a sample web project illustrating the problem. We have to reproduce the problem locally to be able to find a way to fix it.