Words Export

Hi Team,

I had a question for the PDF team and was refered to ask the question here. The gist of it is this. I have created a Word document and highlighted specific sets of text using Aspose.Words. I then used Aspose.Pdf to convert the same document into a PDF file.

The issue was that the highlighted text did not appear in the new Pdf file. Basically, it was mentioned that Aspose.Words does not support highlighting and a new version of it was coming out with new features.

I don't see why it is the Aspose.Words.dll that would handle the highlighting of a pdf. Perhaps its the xml stream from the Aspose.Words?

In any case, will the new version of Aspose.Words be able to translate highighted text to a Pdf? Thats the question at hand.

Here's the original thread :: <A href="</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Thanks all.</FONT></P>