Words (.NET) - Line chart - How to fill series with empty (null) values?

Hello, we have purchased license.
We use Line chart with N series, and in some series values by some categories may be empty.
For example:

var shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Line, height, width);
var chart = shape.Chart;
chart.Series.Add("series 1", 
    new[] { "cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4", "cat5"},
    new[] { 5,      5,      5,      5,      5 });
chart.Series.Add("series 2", 
	new[] { "cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4", "cat5"},
	new[] { 1,       null,   5,      null,  7 });

But we cannot have null values in series, since ChartSeriesCollection.Add method signature is Add(string seriesName, string[] categories, double[] values);

However, in Microsoft Word we can have empty (null) values in this case.
How can we achieve this?


You can use double.NaN values instead of null values. In your case, to add the series with empty values to the chart, you can use following code:

chart.Series.Add("series 2", 
	new[] { "cat1", "cat2", "cat3", "cat4", "cat5"},
	new[] { 1, double.NaN, 5, double.NaN, 7 });

Thanks for answer, it helped me a lot.