Worksheet.Copy does not copy Series.LegendEntry.IsDeleted property

I have to manually copy this attribute to keep this data.


Please download and try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.6.0.5 and let us know your feedback.
If you still find the issue, kindly provide us sample runnable code or preferably create a sample console application (you may zip it prior attaching here) and post it here to reproduce the issue on our end. Also, provide your template Excel file(s) if you have any. We will check your issue soon.

Thank you.

No, it does not work with this version either.
I’ll provide a sample code soon.

Hi László,

Just to let you know that we have recently published a fix version of Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.6.0.6. If you like, you may give the latest assembly a try at your end to see if it makes any difference. In case the problem persists, please provide a simple runnable application along with your template file (if any) for our review.


Thank you for the quick reply. The bug still remains.
I’ve tried several ways to create a sample code, but could not succeed to reproduce the bug.
The original source code is quite long and complicated so I won’t paste it here, but it creates a workbook with a chart from scratch and one of the steps is to make one legend entry invisible. This is not copied for some reason.

Hi again,

I am sorry to know that the issue still exists.

I am afraid, without your sample source code we will not be able to properly identify the problem cause on our end, therefore we cannot move forward to fix it for you. Please try creating a runnable sample application reproducing the issue and share it here for our review. You can omit the unnecessary details in order to keep the application simple. This will help you to isolate the problem cause on your end as well. Once we are aware of the triggering conditions, we can provide the fix very soon. In the meantime, please share the template spreadsheet from which you are copying the worksheet while identifying the chart that does not copy correctly.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.