Worksheet.PageSetup to be writable?

Would it be possible to add functionality to have Worksheet.PageSetup to be writable so I can copy the formatting of a designer sheet to other sheets? I need to allow users to modify a designer page and then I will copy the PageSetup information to the sheets I create.

You can use Excel.Copy to copy whole data in a designer sheet. Or you can use Worksheets.AddCopy to copy data in a single worksheet.

Currently Aspose.Excel doesn’t supply a copy method in PageSetup. If the above methods cannot meet your need, please let me know. I can add a PageSetup.Copy method.

Aspose.Excel is discontinued now and a new product Aspose.Cells is introduced which has all the features available in discarded product as well as support for the latest feature of recent MS Excel versions. This new product supports PageSetup.Copy() function as demonstrated in the following sample code:

//Create workbook
Workbook wb = new Workbook();

//Add two test worksheets

//Access both worksheets as TestSheet1 and TestSheet2
Worksheet TestSheet1 = wb.Worksheets["TestSheet1"];
Worksheet TestSheet2 = wb.Worksheets["TestSheet2"];

//Set the Paper Size of TestSheet1 to PaperA3ExtraTransverse
TestSheet1.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSizeType.PaperA3ExtraTransverse;

//Print the Paper Size of both worksheets
Console.WriteLine("Before Paper Size: " + TestSheet1.PageSetup.PaperSize);
Console.WriteLine("Before Paper Size: " + TestSheet2.PageSetup.PaperSize);

//Copy the PageSetup from TestSheet1 to TestSheet2
TestSheet2.PageSetup.Copy(TestSheet1.PageSetup, new CopyOptions());

//Print the Paper Size of both worksheets
Console.WriteLine("After Paper Size: " + TestSheet1.PageSetup.PaperSize);
Console.WriteLine("After Paper Size: " + TestSheet2.PageSetup.PaperSize);

You may visit the following article to get more details about this feature:
Copy Page Setup Settings

Here is the latest version of this product which can be downloaded for trial:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

Get a runnable solution which can be used to test different features here.