WriteAsSVG with embedded fonts (C# .NET)

We have pptx presentation with embedded fonts. PowerPoint say: we can open presentation as read-only. But taking snapshots via Aspose changing fonts or provided empty results in some cases (Source code will be attached)EmbededFonts.zip (2.6 MB)

Can you explain your policy about embedded (read-only) fonts? Is it possible to import presentation content to SVG via Aspose.Slides with fonts like this?image-2019-09-11-17-11-22-962.png (84.6 KB)
image-2019-09-11-17-10-40-337.png (150.3 KB)


I have observed the issue shared by you. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-41680 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be addressed.

Any update on this ticket? When will it likely be resolved?


I have verified from our issue tracking system and like to share that the issue has just recently been added in our issue tracking system and is pending for investigation at the moment. We request for your patience tiill the time the issue gets scheduled on its due turn and is resolved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-41680) have been fixed in this update.