Regarding WORDSJAVA-1746, it is to update you that we have completed the analysis of this issue. Please use/copy the required Windows fonts on your Linux environment and use the following code to add Windows fonts:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
LoadOptions opt = new LoadOptions();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Add Windows' fonts folder. It should contain the required (.ttf) font files
addFontFolder(fontSettings, "subst_fonts");
com.aspose.words.Document doc = new Document("TestJiraJ1525.docx", opt);"TestJiraJ1525_17.5.pdf");
private static void addFontFolder(FontSettings fontSettings, String folder)
FontSourceBase[] fontSourceBases = fontSettings.getFontsSources();
FontSourceBase[] newFontSourceBases = new FontSourceBase[fontSourceBases.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(fontSourceBases, 0, newFontSourceBases, 0, fontSourceBases.length);
newFontSourceBases[newFontSourceBases.length - 1] = new FolderFontSource(folder, true);
Aspose.Words does not take into account the “Use printer metrics to lay out document” option if you work in non-windows OS.
It will fix the main problem. However, there could still be some inaccuracies because Non-Windows Aspose.Words does not support the “Use printer metrics to lay out document”
Please re-test the scenario on your end and let us know how it goes? Thanks for your cooperation.