ws.Cells.ExportArray get cell formula and cell index

in Aspose Cell, we can get the range of cell values from following query.
object[,] dataArray = ws.Cells.ExportArray(0, 0, 100, 100);

However, we need more information… Cell formula and Cell Index from range of cells.
Does Aspose have functionality that get the range of cell ‘formula’ or ‘cell indx’?
something like…

  1. Cell Formula
    object[,] dataArray = ws.Cells.ExportFormulaArray(0, 0, 100, 100);???

  2. Cell Index (eg: C1, C8, A10…)
    object[,] dataArray = ws.Cells.ExportCellLocationArray(0, 0, 100, 100);???


There is no such methods available in Aspose.Cells APIs. But you may workaround using some indirect way.

  1. For example, you may replace calculated results with its source formula. You may loop through range/area and if a cell has formula in it (via Cell.IsFormula Boolean attribute) then use… cell.PutValue(cell.Formula) to replace cell data with its (underlying) formula strings. Now use Worksheet.Cells.ExportArray() method to export to fill the array.

  2. Scan your desired cells (where you need cell name/index) and replace the value with its name/index (e.g. via Cell.Name attribute). Now use Worksheet.Cells.ExportArray() method to export cell indices.