I have an XLS file with one sheet. The first row contains the column headers and the second row the data. If the file is saved as XLS, the Cells.MaxDataRow property gives me a “1” value. If the file is saved as CSV, the same property gives me a “2” value!
I export the data to a datatable for a simpler handling, and in case of a CSV source I have an extra DataRow object in the resulted table’s Rows property with empy fields.
This is the line of code that I use to get the data from the worksheet
DataTable data = sheet.Cells.ExportDataTable(0, 0, sheet.Cells.MaxDataRow + 1, sheet.Cells.MaxDataColumn + 1, true);
The result of the line as I said, is 1 row if the file is XLS and 2 rows (tle last one with empty values) if the file is CSV
Is it a bug or a feature? Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. I use Aspose.Cells version