Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET
Please download and use the latest version:
for .NET v7.2.1.6
If you want to get rid of page breaks and print your worksheet into a single page, then please use
ImageOrPrintOptions.OnePagePerSheet = true
It will then render your worksheet into a single page.
Hi Anne,
Hi,What is the easiest way to iterate through each Worksheet & count the NUMBER OF PAGES THAT will be printed for that worksheet?thanksAnne
You can calculate how many pages will a sheet take when it will be rendered using SheetRender class.
Please see the following code and try it and let me know your feedback.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
ImageOrPrintOptions opts = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(worksheet, opts);
int n= sr.PageCount; // Number of Pages this sheet will take
Hello again!!
I've tried the above code - it brings out some very large numbers for the SheetRender.PageCount...
I've looked at the Print Preview of a tab, which would print onto 14 pages - the page count gives it a value of 88 pages!!
For other pages that expand downwards when the Smart markers are filled in, the page count is coming out as exactly double the number of printed sheets - like its expanding horizontally to the right as well (which the Print Preview is not).
is there another property that I need to be setting in either ImageOrPrintOptions or the SheetRender classes that will make the page count more accurate?
I've also checked the template for "hidden" page breaks - all the smart markers sit on one single page.
Please advise
It could be a bug of Aspose.Cells for .NET.
Could you please provide me sample input xls/xlsx files for testing?
Please also download and use the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.2.2
Hi shakeel,
we are 2 weeks from the end of a HUGE project, I cannot upgrade any external libraries at this stage - the regression testing would be impossible!
Please advise on what might be causing this?
I'm using the code you sent
Hi Anne,
I think, you are using the older version that’s why you are not getting the page count correctly.
We have tested the page count issue at our end with sample files and it is returning the correct number of pages.
Also, other customers did not get any problem using the above code, they successfully used it without any problems.
Please download and use the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.2.2
Like I said - no upgrading this close to the end of a project.
Last time we did an upgrade of Aspose, it took us a week to fix all the obsolete references - the backwards compatibility was very bad & broke many of our reports!
What would the backwards compatibility be like between v7.2.2 & the version we are using: v5.1.4.0 ?
We will think of a workaround and share with you.
Please note, there are not any major changes between 7.2.2 and 5.1 version, so you will be able to upgrade quickly. You can take the backup of your existing code and just add the reference to latest version and see what problems you face.
I think, there are no API changes also between these two versions.
has anyone managed to come up with a solution/workaround for this bug?
I've attached an example of one of out report outputs:
1. Register Structure History = 3 printable pages, according to the Print Preview.
But the int renderedPages gives me a value of 1.
2. Contact History Details = 2 printable pages, according to the Print Preview.
But the int renderedPages gives me a value of 5.
The code used is below, where sheet is the worksheetName:
int renderedPages = 0;
ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(sheet, options);
renderedPages = sr.PageCount
Please help me in a workaround, without having to upgrade - this will not be possible.
Many thanks
2. Worksheet: "Contact History Details" = 2 printable pages, according to the Print Preview.
But the int renderedPages gives me a value of 4 and not 5.
I could not find the first issue as it works fine and gives 3 as page count for the "Register Structure History" worksheet.
Sample code (v7.2.2):
Workbook book = new Workbook("e:\\test2\\Aspose+sample.xls");
ImageOrPrintOptions imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets["Contact History Details"];
SheetRender sr = new SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions);
int j = sr.PageCount; //Gives 4 instead of 2
Hi Amjad,
thanks for your reply.
If we were to upgrade at this point - the current Aspose version will not work anyway, as you have told me you lodged a bug.
My question is - when will you put out a patch/fix for this??
I must get a solution to this issue by early next week - do you think you'll be able to help us out by releasing Tuesday or Wednesday?
Hello Amjad,
How is the fix going?
I haven't upgraded because you had found the bug - I won't be able to do anything after today. This is the final day of development befor stabilisation & upgradign a library after today will be impossible.
Can you PLEASE let me know if we are any closer to a fix for this bug?
Many thanks for your help
Thanks for your patience.
I have added your comment in our database against the issue id: CELLSNET-40769
We will try to provide you a fix as soon as possible.