XLS to PDF issue in WPF example if Desktop resolution is 200%

Wow! That would be awesome!

Thank you!



The API is added in the fix v21.12.3.

Aspose.Cells21.12.3 For .Net2_AuthenticodeSigned.Zip (5.6 MB)
Aspose.Cells21.12.3 For .Net4.0.Zip (5.6 MB)
Aspose.Cells21.12.3 For .NetStandard20.Zip (5.6 MB)

Hello Peyton.Xu,

Thank you a lot!



You are welcome.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-50088,CELLSNET-50063) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by simon.zhao