XLSX Write Protect Issue?

Is there an issue using the WriteProtectionPassword and then saving a Cells workbook as “myWorkbook.xlsx”? I get prompted for the password if I save the file with the “xls” extension, however it does not seem to work with the “xlsx” extension.

The template file I’m loading was created with Office 2010.

See code example below:

Dim x = New Workbook(“template.xlsx”)
x.Settings.IsWriteProtected = True
x.Settings.WriteProtectedPassword = "owner"
x.Save(“cells_filled.xlsx”) ’ Doesn’t prompt read-only, enter PW for editing at all.


Thanks for reporting this issue.

I was able to reproduce it. We will fix it and let you know asap.

This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-28363.

Thanks for the quick response.

Is there a page where I can view the status of the issue number CELLSNET-28363? Or do I just refer to it when contacting support?


I am afraid, there is no such page and you can only view the status of this Ticket at upper left corner of this thread. When we fix the issue, we will change the status from “Unresolved” to “Resolved”. You may refer to this ID when communicating with us in this regard.
Thank you

Ok, that works, thanks for the update.


We have fixed this issue. Please download Aspose.Cells for .NET v5.3.3.6.

All fixed, thanks for the quick turn around.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 28363) have been fixed in this update.

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