XML: table width


I’m currently evaluating whether your aspose.pdf component fits our needs.
In this respect, I have a question.

Using the XML representation, how can I set the width of a table to 100% of
the page width?

The API doc’s mention a fixedwidth property, but I don’t seem to be able to
find an XML equivalent.


In addition to my earlier question.

Using the XML representation, which attributes should I set to enable line
breaking inside cells. Currently, I continuously get ‘The table is too
large’ errors.

Current effect:
| foo | 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 01234567|89
makes the component crash

Desired effect:
| foo | 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 |
| | 0123456789 |

Kind regards,

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your consideration.

Table width is the sum of all cells width. You should set the FitWidth property of Cell object and make sure the sum of them is not larger than the page width (excluding page margin). The text in cell can wrap up automatically. If you get table too large error, that means the sum of all cells’ width is too large.

If you are still not satisfied with your table, please send the xml or code to me, I will test it for you.

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your consideration.

PLease send your example to me. I will test the example and reply to you soon.