Zooming related issue in MS-2007

Hi AndreyN,
Thank you for your service.
We are facing one issue related to zooming of word document in MS word version 2007.
we are suing Aspose Word
Please, go thorugh the attached image where the actual problem area is marked with “RED” color.
Please find atteched samples document in MS-Word ( 2003 & 2007) format for further investigation.
Please follow the steps in order to reproduce the problem.
1> Please go through the attached report in docx ( 2007) format.
2> Zoom size is 100%.
3> Go to the chart page.
4> Observe the " Thinking Style" Text(this looks error free)
5> Increase Zoom size to 200 %
6> Observe the “Thinking Style”

U can find the white line appearing in 200% zoom.
If you try out other zoom sizes still the White line appearces for certain values & disappears for certain values.
This issue you is restricted to MS-word 2007 but not avaialble in MS-word 2003
Please, Go thorugh the sample document in doc (2003 ) format for futhere reference.
1> Is this issue is related to MS-Word versioning ?
2> How to resolve this issue?

suggest …
Waiting for your reply…!!!
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Dvarika,

Thanks for your inquiry. I think this issue is not related to Aspose.Words. So, I suppose you should contact Microsoft support in order to resolve this problem.
Best regards,