2 column divider

I posted the following question concerning 2 column divider height in the Aspose.Words forum.

Is it possible to set a fixed column divider at a specific height into the PDF template and then generate the document? With Aspose.Words, the column divider height is governed by at which line the document ends at. And when you're generating dynamic content, one cannot guarantee the cursor will end at the last line of the document. Does Aspose.PDF have this problem?



The current problem I have is similar to [SECTION 1 - Page 1] below, notice the column divider length.
What I would like to create is [SECTION 2 - Page 2].

Each column content is dynamic so sometimes the column will be very short, or go halfway down the
column so the column divider length is inconsistent across all pages. I would like the 2 column 
divider to extend all the way down to the end on every page. 

Is there an easy way to accomplish this? Something like auto-fill in blank lines until end of
page section? 

If not, what is the best method to approach this problem?

If it's possible, I was thinking of a function that would count how many lines there are until
the end of the page. So if the UntilEndofPageCounter() calculates there are 7 more lines until 
it hits the end of the page, then it can Builder.Writeln "" 7 times and then insert 
[SECTION BREAK]. Or is there some other simple method I overlooked?


[SECTION 1 - Page 1]
f jksdl jkd  fjlk...|.vdj ejn ejfn efj n.
qog fjkd eif fjk f..|.dfn f,s e jejf jk..
ie vjei ekje slk....|.eowp jeo uu wopw ..
fjlkjd djfie fjkej..|.ieow ekej foif kj..
[COLUMN BREAK]......|.ciej fkjlsf ifje ..
....................|.siejf ekje flekjf .
......................[SECTION BREAK]....
end of section 1

[cr] = Carriage Return

[SECTION 2 - Page 2]
f jksdl jkd  fjlk...|.vdj ejn ejfn efj n.
qog fjkd eif fjk f..|.dfn f,s e jejf jk..
....................|.tuw fie ends ekf...
ie vjei ekje slk....|.eowp jeo uu wopw ..
fjlkjd djfie fjkej..|.ieow ekej foif kj..
uio fieu fjne ef f..|.ciej fkjlsf ifje ..
fjwl fejie ef jeii..|.[cr]...............
quis fje ig kdj ei..|.[cr]...............
sf ekfj elie kjf i..|.[cr]...............
sdf fe efe e e ww...|.[cr]...............
[COLUMN BREAK]......|.[cr]...............
....................[.SECTION BREAK]......
end of section 2



Unfortunately without pagination engine there is no way to tell how much space is left on the page. Aspose.Words currently does not have pagination engine, but we plan to implement it later this year.


Can this 2 column divider problem be solved using Aspose.PDF now? How would you tackle this problem from Aspose.PDF point of view?

If PDF works and the delay is too long, I might just recode everything to work with Aspose.PDF then. But I'll wait for Aspose.Words' pagination engine implementation as of now. Since it's a minor problem and not too many pages are being generated...yet.


 Please contact Aspose.Pdf team directly via their dedicated forum.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Maybe I did not understand you exactly but I think setting the new section to be started at a new page solves your problem. Why do you need to calculate the space left in the page and write many CRs?


Because I want the 2 column divider to stretch to the bottom of every
page. Notifce that at SECTION/NEW PAGE BREAK. The 2 column divider
stops stretching to the bottom which makes every page inconsistent. And
having different lengths in different pages makes this an aesthetic
problem. Which is why I need to manually insert line breaks until the
last line to stretch the divider all the way down. Is there a way to
resolve this with Aspose.PDF?

I see. Sorry to tell you this feature is not supported in Aspose.Pdf and I don't think we can support it in short time.