I think I have found another couple of bugs when using calculate formula.
Please see the attached workbook.
The two problems are:
1. It seems to calculate the formula in Cells C16 and C17 incorrectly when running CalculateFormula.
2. When running the If Statements in column B it appears to be case sensitive whereas excel is NOT case sensitive. Can this be fixed so they match?
Please find the example code below and thanks in advance,
Dim a, b, c As String
Dim license As Aspose.Cells.License = New Aspose.Cells.License()
Dim wbkTest As New Workbook()
Dim shtTest As Worksheet = wbkTest.Worksheets(0)
a = shtTest.Cells("c16").Value
b = shtTest.Cells("c17").Value
c = shtTest.Cells("c19").Value
MsgBox("A: " & a & " B: " & b & " C: " & c)
a = shtTest.Cells("c16").Value
b = shtTest.Cells("c17").Value
c = shtTest.Cells("c19").Value
MsgBox("A: " & a & " B: " & b & " C: " & c)