3 Different Results on a given Test Scenario

  1. Removing an ending bracket from a Data Grid Field caused the entire field to be ignored by the parser, so the original rule string showed up in the version. This is better than the old/misleading error message because it would show a doc developer exactly where the issue is, but since ASPOSE gave no indication that there was an error, this could easily be missed by user (especially in large documents like EOCs) unless they specifically searched for something like [[RuleID= in their versions.
  2. Removing a caret from a DG field resulted in the version not pulling any data for this field. Again, since there was no indication via an error messaASPOSE-extract-part-of-the-document.zip (13.7 KB)
    ge that there was an issue with any DG fields, this could easily be missed.

Known issue: When variable content appears at the end of a table row, versions often contain an extra line break at the end of the cell, even if there is not one present in the template. This can create formatting issues or the need for manual deletion for document developers.

Testing Results: We flagged areas within the template where this issue may occur and found that no extra line breaks were present in the versions after testing the template.
Known issue: If a template has an IF statement directly following an ENDIF statement within a table row, a number of issues parsing issues may occur. Console APP (.zip) and word documents is attached to simulate the situation.
RE ASPOSE Testing Results.zip (1.1 MB)


You are using PageSplitter utility in your shared application. This utility is used to split document’s pages into separate document. Could you please share some more detail about your issue along with input, problematic and expected output documents? We will investigate the issue on our side and provide you more information.

Hi Tahir… Thank you for quick response. The following error message window from application seems interment.

Template testing for ASPOSE EOC PPO Test is failed. Error Message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The expected outcome is : A) Successfully parse the document -OR- B) ASPOSE to spit out appropriate error message/code for application/user to fix.

Currently, it is hard to say …if it is a False +Ve results OR True +Ve results of the test. Hope this helps. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thank you -


Please use the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 19.3 and updated code of PageSplitter utility to avoid the shared exception.

Hi Tahir - Thank you for feedback. We have applied changes per your suggestion, but still having issue. Please find the console app and document in the attached ZIP file. Looking forward for potential solution for the issue at the earliest. Thank you in advance.

ASPOSE-Console-Appwith 19.3 and Parser.zip (493.4 KB)


In the SplitCompositeAtNode method, please add the if condition as shown below to fix this issue. Hope this helps you.

int pageNum = this.pageNumberFinder.GetPage(childNode);
if (pageNum == targetPageNum)
    if (cloneNode.LastChild != null) // Add this if condition

Here updated Console application per your suggestion. The archive contains updated code, as well as template you may need to test with. The issue is that we get broken (HUGE) documents, when trying to split pages. so for test, you may choose the document from archive, and set FROM page: 1 TO page: 312 (total pages count are: 321).

Please note that… the resulting document is sizing almost over 1mb and would like to see if it can cause performance issues with Aspose parser, plus it’s questionable that the results are now correct. Let’s validate the results to make sure from all aspects. ASPOSE extract-part-of-the-document (2).zip (493.4 KB)


Please note that PageSplitter utility is not part of Aspose.Words API. You need to modify code according to your requirement. We noticed that there are empty sections in the output document. You can remove them using Node.Remove method.

The PageSplitter utility adds header and footer for each sections separately that increases the document’s size.