3 Hyperlinks Are Returned Instead of 1 if a Paragraph Contains Text from Right to Left

Hi - when reading a Hyperlink using Aspose.Slides - if the Display Text of the hyperlink contains some RIght to left characters - we get 3 hyperlinks instead of one.

Attached - URL for zip of test solution ConsoleApp4.7z - Google Drive

Here is some example code

Presentation pres = new Presentation(@"..\..\..\Example_Hyperlink.pptx");
foreach (var p in pres.Slides)
    foreach (var q in p.Shapes)
            var r = q as AutoShape;
            var e = (TextFrame)r.TextFrame;
            var qq = e.Paragraphs[0].Portions.Count;
            //here the count of portions should be 1 only
            //as there is only 1 hyperlink contained in the text box
        catch (Exception ex)


Thank you for contacting support.

If you unzip the presentation file, you will see the slide structure containing the three text portions you mentioned.
portions.png (53.3 KB)
So the behavior of Aspose.Slides is correct.

Usually, you can join text portions with the same formatting as follows






but it will not work in your case as the text portions are written in different languages.

API Reference: IPresentation, IBaseSlide, IParagraph