A few requests for Aspose.Words

We are currently evaluating Aspose.Words and are curious about about a couple of features that do not seem to be available. One is the document compare (for Word). We currently provide that using Word automation (Merge and Compare), but since we are trying to replace Word automation with a better server-side solution, we would need to find a replacement for this. From what I read on the Aspose forums, this is a fairly common request, and I was curious if there was any plans for this.

The second is perhaps a bit more urgent, and should be much easier to accomplish. We use Flashpaper (flash-enabled) documents for online viewing, but this is primarily to secure the documents. The current Aspose Words component provides conversion to Flash including an optional embedded reader. The problem is that we want to prevent users from printing, selecting text, and saving the flash document. It seems like this would be simple to do (e.g. some parameters for the built-in flash reader). We can, of course, build our own flash reader, but then we are dealing with some security concerns since the document would be separate from the player. Anyway, I wondered if that was something that we can request.

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Hi Michael,

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, there is no way to compare documents using Aspose.Words. I linked your request to the appropriate feature (WORDSNET-2385). You will be notified via this forum thread once this feature is available. We apologize for your inconvenience.

I am working over your second query and will update you shortly.

Hi Michael,
Regarding your query about protection of SWF, please read the features supported on SWF export from following documentation link.
Prevent Printing :
I have logged this feature request as WORDSNET-7598 in our issue tracking system. You will be notified via this forum thread once this feature is available.
Could you please share some more information about saving the flash document?

Hello Tahir,

Thanks for getting back to me on this. What I am looking for is the ability to secure the document. I do not want the end-user to be able to print or save the document. For the most part this works, but the one issue that remains is selecting text.

It is possible to “turn off” the select text option in the Viewer menu, and also to disable the Context (right-click) menu. However, disabling the Context menu does not seem to apply to the actual document.

To replicate, convert a Word document to Flash with the option EnableContextMenu = false. If, in the resulting flash document, you right-click the viewer (e.g. the menu or sidebar) the context menu is turned off (or as turned off as Flash allows). But if you right-click within the document itself, the context menu is still active. So it is still possible to perform text-selecting and copying.

Ideally, being able to “lock” the viewer into Read mode would be perfect as all of these capabilities are disabled in that mode.



Hi Michael,

Thanks for your inquiry. You can achieve your requirement by using following code snippet.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir+ "in.docx");
SwfSaveOptions option = new SwfSaveOptions();
option.AllowReadMode = true;
option.TopPaneControlFlags = SwfTopPaneControlFlags.HideAll;
doc.Save(MyDir + "out.swf", option);
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "in.docx");
SwfSaveOptions option = new SwfSaveOptions();
option.AllowReadMode = true;
option.ViewerIncluded = false;
doc.Save(MyDir + "out.swf", option);

The EnableContextMenu = false is not working. I have managed to reproduce the same issue at my side. I have logged this issue as WORDSNET-7603 in our issue tracking system. I have linked this forum thread to the same issue and you will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hi Michael,

Regarding prevent printing of SWF ( WORDSNET-7598), Actually there is no print option in viewer. All you can print is whole SWF but the result will look like screenshot of the visible area of SWF.

So, this can not be prevented from printing.

Hello Tahir,

Our organization is planning to purchase the Aspose solution in the next month, but this issue is currently a show-stopper for us. We have built our own viewer to look at locking this security hole, but since the viewer has to load the document, this still leaves a loophole (the user can view source and open the “viewed” document directly).

Is there a way to embed our own viewer into the converted swf? Either that, or is there any progress on resolving this security issue with the Aspose embedded viewer?

Thank you,

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your inquiry.

but this issue is currently a show-stopper for us.

I am afraid this feature WORDSNET-2385 has now been postponed till a later date due to some other important issues and new features. We will inform you as soon as there are any further developments. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Is there a way to embed our own viewer into the converted swf?

Please note that Aspose.Words mimics the same behavior as MS Word do. Aspose.Words does not provide such feature.

Either that, or is there any progress on resolving this security issue with the Aspose embedded viewer?

It would be great if you please share some more detail about your query. The issues linked to this thread are as follow.
Regarding WORDSNET-7603, it is to update you that our development team completed the analysis of this issue and has come to a conclusion that they won’t be able to implement the fix to your issue. Most likely, your issue will be closed with ‘‘Won’t Fix’’ resolution.
WORDSNET-2385 : Add feature to compare documents ( Unresolved )
WORDSNET-7598 is not a bug, please check my reply here:

Hello Tahir,

Thank you for your reply. The main issue we have is actually WORDSNET-7603, which you indicated earlier in the thread is a legitimate issue, but it appears the dev team has no plans to resolve this any time soon.

I think we can work with this, but it would have been nice to have that capability available natively. My question regarding embedding the viewer should still be legitimate, though. Obviously Aspose provides the ability to embed a viewer–if there were a way to embed our own, that would be great.

Thank you,

Hi Michael,
Thanks for sharing the detail.

The main issue we have is actually WORDSNET-7603, which you indicated earlier in the thread is a legitimate issue, but it appears the dev team has no plans to resolve this any time soon.

I’m very sorry to share with you that on further
investigation our development team came to know that they won’t be able
to implement the fix to your issue (WORDSNET-7603). Your issue is now closed with
‘‘Won’t Fix’’ resolution.

My question regarding embedding the viewer should still be legitimate,
though. Obviously Aspose provides the ability to embed a viewer–if
there were a way to embed our own, that would be great.

Aspose.Words does not provide any custom viewer. Aspose.Words provide the functionality to convert MS Word document SWF. Please read save formats from following documentation link.


Is that a change? You can include the Aspose viewer with this code (from your post above:

option.ViewerIncluded = true;


Hi Michael,

Thanks for your inquiry.

I’m afraid we have discontinued improvements to the Flash based viewer functionality included with Aspose.Words. You can however export the document to SWF without the viewer and instead create your own viewer (which I believe you have started on). When this is complete you can write a method to combine the viewer and the source file into one file. This should not be too hard to achieve.


The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-2385) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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