Animation is not taken over

Dear Support team

When extracting 1 slide with text animation out of a presentation, then the animations are not taken over and the whole text will be shown once with the animation for the whole text.

Attached is the original presentation and an extracted slide generated by aspose.slides.

Is there a solution for this.


Dear Alex,

I have been able to verify and reproduce the issue of animation sequence getting disturbed in the cloned slide as specified by you and it seems to be an inconsistency in Aspose.Slides for Java. An issue with issue id 18945 has been created on our Issue Tracking System to fix the problem. This thread has been associated with this issue, so that you can be automatically notified as soon as this issue is resolved.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 18945) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides for Java

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