A few email questions

1) If a message is added to the message pool AFTER a call to BulkSendAsync (and is still sending), will the new message be sent?

2) When using BulkSendAsync, is the SendAsyncCompleted event raised? And is it after each message or after the batch?

3) When using BulkSendAsync, is the BatchSent event raised or is this for BulkSend only?



Dear Chris,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

1) Aspose.Network 2.* does not provide threading synchronousing in message pool recently. So it could be nice to avoid adding new message to the message pool after invoking BulkSendAsync.

2) The BulkSendAsync will not trigger the SendAsyncCompleted event.

3)The BatchSent will be fired both for BulkSend and BulkSendAsync.

We just released a new version Aspose.Network 3.0 beta, which contains more enchancement for SmtpClient.BulkSend and BulkSendAsync. In the new version, message pool is removed. And each bulksend option will need a message collection for its own. As below:

public void BulkSendAsync(MailMessageCollection messages, object userToken)

public void BulkSend(MailMessageCollection messages)


/// Occurs if the an asynchronous BulkSend operation is completed.

public event BulkSendCompletedEventHandler BulkSendCompleted;

How do you think about migrating your code to this latest version ? We will be more then glad to help you in the migration.


For Aspose.Network 3.0 beta available here:

<A href="</A></P>

Dear Chris,

Here is a post about the new feature in mailmerge and bulk send in the new Aspose.Network 3.0. I think you might interest in.

<A href="</A></P> <P>Thanks</P>