A few questions on footnote- Textholders and image resolution

I am evaluating your Aspose.slides and am wondering if I can create the sample slide (I have attached to this posting) using Aspose. My questions are:

1) How can I attach superscripts to items in my legend (so I reference them in my footnotes)?

2) How can I can multi lines footnotes with a superscript before each footnote so I can refer them to the items in my legend? Please see my attached Powerpoint slide.

3) How can I add a few bullet items in a text box next to my chart? Please see my attached Powerpoint slide.

4) I tried to add a chart image to my slide by using Aspose’s sample code below. I learned that picId returned could be a number like 23; therefore I get IndexOutOfRange error when I retrieve the image with pres.Pictures[[picId - 1].Image.Width. Furthermore, I found that pres.Pictures[ ] actually contains 5 pictures (Pictures[0] . . .Pictures[4]) even though I just added one image and they all look the same except the Pictures[i].Image.Width and .Height can be different. Which element of Pictures[ ] should I use? It does not seem that I can use pres.Pictures[[picId - 1] to retreive the Image.Width and Height in general but this is the sample code I got from Aspose’s sample code.

My code for adding a picture is like this:
Aspose.Slides.Picture pic = new Aspose.Slides.Picture(pres, bitmap);
Slide slide = pres.AddBodySlide();
int picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);
int imageWidth = pres.Pictures[[picId - 1].Image.Width;

4) I added a chart to my slide by first creating a Bitmap object. I then added the image to my slide by adding a picture frame. Even though I set the chart resolution quite high, I found the chart on the slide to be blurry and not very professional looking. Is there a better way of adding a chart so the picture is clear? My code is something like below:

Aspose.Chart.Chart c = new Aspose.Chart.Chart();
//… build the chart
c.SetResolution(3840, 3072);
Bitmap bitmap = c.GetChartImage();
Aspose.Slides.Picture pic = new Aspose.Slides.Picture(pres, bitmap);
Slide slide = pres.AddBodySlide();
int picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

// center the chart image
int slideWidth = slide.Background.Width ;
int slideHeight = slide.Background.Height;
int imageWidth = pres.Pictures[0].Image.Width;
int imageHeight = pres.Pictures[0].Image.Height;
int pictureFrameWidth = Convert.ToInt32(slideWidth / 2 - pictureWidth / 2) ; // x pos
int pictureFrameHeight = Convert.ToInt32(slideHeight / 2 - pictureHeight / 2 ); // y pos

//Adding picture frame to the slide
PictureFrame pf = slide.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(picId, pictureFrameWidth,
pictureFrameHeight, pictureWidth, pictureHeight);

Dear lajolla,

The blurry image problems has been fixed and new version of Aspose.Slides will soon be released.

Dear lajolla,

1, 2, Are the superscripts, legend and multi line footnotes part of chart object? In case if they are part of chart object, then Aspose.Slides can not manipulate them, because it does not understand the format of chart.

You should use MS-Excel chart instead of MS-Graph chart, because you can manipulate excel chart with Aspose.Cells.

3 Please see Managing Paragraph Bullets at this link


Also see Programmer’s Guide at this link.


4 Use Presentation.Pictures.GetPictureById() method to retrieve picture by id.

5 Blurry image problem is resolved and fix will be available as soon as possible.

Thanks very much for your help and the up coming new release.