A partical version for word 2003 opens using Aspose Word for .Net but full version opens for Word 2007


We have users that have Word 2003 and some have Word 2007. When doing a mail merge and doing a doc.Save(windowTitle, SaveFormat.Doc, SaveType.OpenInBrowser, Response), to open in the mail merge in the browser, the people with Word 2003 opens with a partical version of Word 2003. For the users that have Word 2007, A full version of Word 2007 opens.

This causes a problem since the version of Word 2003 that is opening does not contain a print button and we cannot print the mail merge document.

We are using Aspose Word for .Net

We are wondering why this was happening?



Hi Larry,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Could you please attach your template document, code and the output .doc document here for testing? We will then test it on our side and provide further feedback.
