When using Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfContentEditor it is possible to create three types of links on pages of the PDF file that has been bound to the PdfContentEditor: CreateApplicationLink, CreateLocalLink and CreatePdfDocumentLink
Quick code example
'Declare and initialise the Pdf.Kit.PdfContentEditor object that will be used to modify the PDF File
Dim Modifier As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfContentEditor
’Bind the PDF to the PdfContentEditor object
'Create a local link to page 2 from page 1 in the bound PDF
Modifier.CreateLocalLink(New Rectangle(100, 100, 50, 50), 2, 1)
'Create a link from page 1 of the bound PDF to another PDF file on page 1
Modifier.CreatePdfDocumentLink(New Rectangle(200, 200, 50, 50), “C:\AnotherPDFDocument.pdf”, 1, 1)
'Create an application link on page 1 to another file
Modifier.CreateApplicationLink(New Rectangle(300, 300, 50, 50), “C:\textfile.txt”, 1)
'Save the changes, if any, made to the PDF File (The addition of Link areas)
When you use any of these methods to create a link on a PDF file they create a /Subtype object on the relevant page of the PDF with the attribute /Link with a /Rect object defining area of the link.
The links are created without /Border or /BS (Border Style) attributes meaning that they will by default be displayed with a solid black visible border.
My question: Is it possible using Aspose.PDFKit to add links and define the border style? If not, is this something that can be added?
Hi Chris,
You can change the border color of the links using Color parameter of these methods. If that is not something you’re looking for then please elaborate your requirement and we’ll try to support it in future versions. Do you want to set the border style like dotted or dashed etc or it is something else?
Please share your thoughts, so we could help you out.
"Do you want to set the border style like dotted or dashed etc"
Yes this is what I would like to be able to set.
Specifically in the current situation I have, I wish the border to be invisible. In a PDF document this would be accomplished by having /Border [0 0 0 0] or alternatively and prefered since it is supported since PDF 1.2 is the /BS border style definition with the /W tag (e.g /W 0 - where the number represents the border width in points, in this case 0 so that no border would be drawn).
The default border width unless specified with the /W tag is 1.
Also the /S tag of the /BS borderstyle defines the borderstyle as you mentioned like dotted or dashed or solid (the default).
Perhaps a new linksettings object within PDFContentEditor would work? So that you could define PDFContentEditor.LinkSettings so that when using a CreateLink method it knows what settings to use? Alternatively an instantiable object so that each CreateLink method can be called with its own settings.
I hope the above helps explain my request. Please ask if you are unsure or want any more information about my request. Or if there is already a way to do what I have asked please let me know.
Hi Chris,
I’m sorry to inform you that this requirement can’t be fulfilled at the moment. However, I have logged a new feature request as PDFKITNET-19046 in our issue tracking system. Our team will investigate it in detail and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once it is supported.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Any update on this?
Hi Chris,
I’m sorry to inform you that this issue is not yet resolved. Our team will be working on this requirement and we’ll be in a better position to share the ETA for this feature after Q1’2011.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.