Ability to modify other types of master slides


I see that the Masters collection of the Presentation contains only one item which is the MainMaster slide whose Layout is TitleAndBodySlide.

Could you please advise how I can add more master slides of other layout types?


Dear Thuc,

You cannot add master slides, but when you clone a slide from other presentation, it not only copies a slide but also copies its masters.

For example, if you will clone a slide from presentation, which is a Title slide, then clone slide will copy its masters, i.e slide master and title master.

For code example, you should see this thread.

Yes, I saw this solution. But I had another issue posted at <A href="https://forum.aspose.com/t/101472</A>. Please have a look at it.</P> <P>Thanks,</P> <P>Thuc</P>