About insert document

please refer to the document in the attachment.
how can i insert a document for every TOC list(“Heading 1”,“Heading 2” etc).

Best Regard!

Hi Liu,

Thanks for your inquiry. Every node of TOC field is represented by a HYPERLINK field. When you click on a TOC item, the control jumps to a particular location in your document pointed by a hidden Bookmark. I think, in your case, you can simply insert document inside those hidden Bookmarks as follows:

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + @"Source.doc");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
foreach(Bookmark bm in doc.Range.Bookmarks)
    if (bm.Name.StartsWith("_Toc"))
        builder.MoveToBookmark(bm.Name, false, false);
        // you can optionally check the style of the current paragraph and then insert document

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,