About the Performance of Word to PDF Conversion Using Aspose-Words-24.6.0 on Android Devices

I’m currently using aspose-words-24.6.0-android.via.java.jar for Word to PDF conversion on an Android device. During my tests, I noticed that the first time I execute val doc = Document(filePath), it takes over 30 seconds to complete. However, subsequent executions only take about one second. Is this time difference normal for an Android device, or could there be an optimization I’m overlooking?"

@gujunhe The problem might occur because on the first call Aspose.Words inits static resources, such as fonts, which are then reused on the subsequent calls.

You can create an empty document and save it as PDF, for example, on your application start to force Aspose.Words to init resources to avoid “cold” start on the real requests.