About the web grid display for java

Hi, my project use spring boot and vue, when I display the gridweb in vue page, and input some value in the cell, the servlet is triggered and return the correct response, but there is some javascript error:

Uncaught TypeError: this.menuRangeMap.size is not a function
at HTMLDivElement.updateMenuReferenceOnCellUpdated (acwmain.js:214)
at HTMLDivElement.mOnCellUpdated (acwmain.js:213)
at HTMLDivElement.ajaxcallback (acwmain.js:361)
at XMLHttpRequest.ajaxXmlHttp.onreadystatechange (acwmain.js:351)

Please give me some advice,.


Thanks for your query.

Please share your sample application (simplified up to maximum level) with us for our testing. We will reproduce the problem and provide our feedback after analysis.